the best mascara’. One of the most popular question I get is, ‘can you recommend a eyeliner that lasts’.
line. You can also use this in the waterline – just use a small amount and use
a small flat ‘push’ eyeliner brush.

stability while drawing your line. For optimum effect & ease use short,
smooth, overlapping strokes from the inner corner out instead of one swoop.
its easier to start at the ‘tail’ end of the liner, Use the end of your eyebrow
as a guide to angle your flick, generally aim for a 45 degree angle.
the right balance, When your happy with your ‘flicks’ continue along the lash
line towards the center of the eye, then turn your angle brush around so that
longest, sharpest point is in the inner corer of your eye then connect the 2
Makeup by Nicola Johnson Exaggerated eyeliner Runway look |