Since the demise of the Tanning Bed in Australia & the awareness of skin cancers more prevalent than ever, getting a spray tan is just a regular part of your beauty routine. It allows you to look radiant and glowing, without having to suffer extensive UV damage. Self tan has come a long way since the days when almost any self-tanner would make your skin turn distinctly orange with brown patches on your knees, hands & feet! Not the golden goddess you were after!
Nowadays, quality self-tanners can give you a natural kiss of sun that matches your skin tone perfectly. However there are still a few rules you should keep in mind when buying and applying your self-tanning product. Whether it’s a mist, lotion, or foam, here are your 10 commandments of self-tanners for sun-loving (but sun-cautious) girls.
Thou Shall Not Cheap Out
You know what they say: you get what you pay for. If you want a tan that looks natural, then you need to buy a quality product. My Favourite tanning Range is NAKED TAN, natural ingredients & the results are even & long lasting.
Thou Shall Know the Product
There are hundreds of types of self-tanners out there, and not all of them do the same thing. Some are made to bronze more than tan, and will give you a more cosmetic metallic look that most women reserve more special occasions. Then there are others that tan over several applications, so you work toward the tone you want. There are others than darken noticeable right away. To get the product you want, make sure you read the product description so you know exactly what your product will do.

Thou Shalt Always Multitask
If a self-tanner only claims to tan, you need to look for another product. The best self-tanners will always work double, triple or quadruple (or more) duty, tanning, moisturizing, providing UV protection and even warding off the signs of aging. Get more bang for your buck and get a self-tanner that really works for you.
Thou Shall Test
Before you apply your self-tanner all over your body, be sure to test it on a discreet patch of skin. Not only will this show you what kind of colour you can expect, but it will also allow you to make sure you don’t have any adverse reaction to the product.
Thou Shall Buff
Here’s another pre-application tip: exfoliate your skin head-to-toe. Applying self-tanner over dry, flaky skin will give uneven, unattractive, unnatural results. Don’t rub yourself raw (you don’t want to apply self-tanner on broken skin), but do rub vigorously enough to slough off dead skin.
Thou Shall Not Rush
Give yourself the time to apply the self-tanner properly. Don’t just slap it on and go: many products will require drying time, so you may not be able to get dressed right away. Others are quick-drying. Regardless, however, you will want to have enough time to do the job correctly.
Thou Shall Moisturise
Most self-tanners have built-in moisturiser, so you need not worry about moisturising right before you apply the self-tanner. But you will want to ensure your skin has been moisturised in the hours prior to ensure a even coverage. Supple skin will take on the self-tanner better, so if your skin is super dry, make sure you hydrate and allow the moisturiser time to fully set in before you apply the product.

Thou Shall Be Realistic
A self-tanner will enhance and deepen your natural skin tone: it will not give you a new skin tone. If you are very fair, a self-tanner made to deepen the complexion of someone with an olive skin tone will not be the best bet for you. Aim to go one shade darker than your natural skin tone, no more — not at first, at least. See how the product looks on your skin before you try anything more drastic. People with darker, richer skin tones naturally can often achieve more dramatic results with self-tanner than those with pale skin.
Thou Shall Know Application Options
There are three main kinds of self-tanner: cream, spray and foam. Foam is great if you want an easy to apply, quick drying glow. Sprays are also easy to apply, and can allow you to get hard to reach places with streak-free results. Creams are often the more deeply nourishing of the options, and provide a super supple, rich look. All options are often infused with moisturisers and antioxidants. Pick the one that is right for your skin and the look you want to achieve.
Thou Shall Go Natural
Self-tanners made with organic and natural sourced ingredients can provide glowing outcomes without using chemicals that can inflame and annoy your skin. These are the safest and most nourishing options to choose.
Follow these tips, and you’ll enjoy natural-looking, glowing skin all year round. Happy self-tanning!

Makeup & Tanning by Nicola Johnson